Church Business Meeting

All members are invited to attend a business meeting on Sunday, October 13 at 10:30 AM. Come to hear reports from various church ministries and make your voice heard on church business.

New Beginnings Classes

Do you want to know more about our church? Whether you recently joined our church family or would just like to know how our church works, you are invited to a series of New Beginnings classes starting October 19. You will learn how decisions are made in the church, where your tithes and offerings go, how you can get involved in ministry, and so much more. See you there!

Missing Pots and Pans?

There are many pots and pans in the kitchen that have been left behind after our hospitality luncheons. Please drop by and pick up any that belong to you.

ABC Food & Book Sale

The Adventist Book Center in Gladstone, Oregon is holding their Fall Case Food and Book Sale from October 3 to November 4. Click the button below to visit their website!

Adventist Book Center

Disaster Response Training

Adventist Community Services is offering a Disaster Response Training on Sunday, October 27 at the Gladstone Park Conference Center. You will learn how to lead a response to disasters in your community and receive a certification and photo ID from the North American Division. If you would like to participate, please register by October 21. There is a registration fee of $20.

Register Now

Conference-Wide Prayer Meeting

The Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists invites you to join them each month in prayer as our Oregon church family seeks the Holy Spirit's guidance. You can join the meetings on Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM by clicking this link. The next meeting is October 15.

Meeting ID: 93041082161

Password: 235079